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More like an inspiring person, but I was introduced to him as an image on a TV screen followed by an obsessive amount online, so you're about to have a ton of pictures to look at.
Meet Oscar Pistorius! You might remember this South African from the 2012 Olympics. When I first saw him on screen I immediately went about learning his story. Lucky for me, they also did a special on him.
He's incredible!
"Oscar Pistorius was born without the fibula in each of his legs. His parents consulted with some of the leading doctors in the world before making the heart-wrenching decision to have his legs amputated below the knee. They were advised by doctors that having the amputation done before Oscar had learned to walk would be less traumatic for him and would greatly improve his chances of mobility in later life. Six months later he received his first pair of prosthetic legs and within days he had mastered them." — oscarpistorius.comI was thinking about that today as I was walking. MAN, I'm glad to be able to just get up and walk. There was a time where I hated walking...all I wanted to do was sit. What was wrong with me? I'm certainly glad I have since changed tunes. A little less than a month ago I injured my foot and not being able to do simple things like walk (and run, oh man did I miss that) was agonizing. It royal stunk! I complained (to myself) so much!
It's so easy to take legs and feet for granted! This man doesn't even know what it's like and yet he's out there being a rock star and living life to the fullest! Completely amazing. I imagine that this gives hope to so many amputees out there. It certainly put a spotlight on him. He was the first double-amputee to ever run in the summer Olympics!
And did I mention he has an amazing smile? Yeah...he does. And his voice! Oh, to die for!
Don't worry, my boyfriend is okay that I have an unhealthy crush on this man.
I also just found out as I was looking for photos that he was one of the honorees for People's Sexiest Man Alive (honestly I would have chosen him over Channing)! Look at him!
That's a pretty wicked shot. I'm reminded of Terminator.
I love the quote they have on that People link: "Being disabled doesn't have to be a disadvantage."
I am inspired to get out there and be active. I am extremely thankful for my working legs and feet. Even in dirty walking shoes, you are amazing!
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